T-Bone Accident

T-Bone Collision Claims

Navigating the aftermath of a T-bone collision can feel like moving through a maze with no clear exit. These accidents, often occurring at intersections, not only bring immediate chaos but also long-term repercussions that can deeply affect one’s health, finances, and overall well-being. At the heart of this turmoil is the crucial decision to seek professional guidance. Contacting a seasoned car accident lawyer ensures that your rights are fiercely protected and that you receive the comprehensive support needed to steer through this challenging period. With expert legal assistance, the path to recovery and compensation becomes clearer, offering a beacon of hope amidst the complexities of T-bone collision claims.

Doehrman Buba Ring Will Fight For You

If you’ve been seriously injured in a T-bone accident, finding the right legal representation is essential. At Doehrman Buba Ring, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that these crashes can take on individuals and their families. Our experienced team of car accident lawyers will fight tirelessly for your rights, working to hold negligent parties accountable and secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

What is a T-Bone Accident?

A T-bone accident, commonly referred to as a side-impact collision, happens when one driver strikes the side of another driver’s car. The front of one vehicle strikes the side of another, forming a “T” shape at the moment of impact. A T-bone accident occurs most commonly at intersections when one vehicle fails to yield the right of way, either due to running a red light, speeding, or not adhering to stop signs. The consequences of a T-bone accident can be severe, especially for the occupants on the side of the vehicle that is hit, because the side offers less protection than the front or rear of a vehicle. The risk of significant injuries or fatalities is heightened, making these types of collisions among the most dangerous on the road.

Common Causes of T-Bone Car Accidents

Running Red Lights: Ignoring oncoming traffic signals and illegally crossing intersections.

Failure to Yield: Not giving the right of way at stop signs or when making turns.

Distracted Driving: Texting, using a phone, or any activity taking the driver’s attention off the road.

Speeding: Exceeding speed limits, reducing reaction time to stop or yield.

Poor Weather Conditions: Heavy rain, fog, or snow impairing visibility and vehicle control.

Driving Under the Influence: Alcohol or drugs impairing judgment and reaction times.

Who is Usually at Fault in a T-bone Accident?

Determining fault in a T-bone accident predominantly hinges on the rules of the road and the actions of the drivers at the time of the crash. Typically, the driver who failed to yield the right of way is at fault. This could be the driver who runs a red light, ignores a stop sign, or makes an unsafe turn or lane change at an intersection. Investigations into these accidents often involve analyzing traffic camera footage, eyewitness statements, and vehicle data to ascertain which party did not adhere to traffic laws. However, fault can be complex, with potential contributing factors from both drivers, making legal assistance invaluable for navigating these cases.

Consider a scenario where Driver A runs a red light at an intersection, colliding with Driver B, who was crossing the intersection with a green light in their favor. In this instance, Driver A would predominantly be at fault for failing to obey traffic signals, directly leading to the accident. This clear violation of traffic laws makes the determination of fault straightforward, supported by traffic camera footage and eyewitness accounts that validate Driver B’s right of way.

Conversely, imagine a situation where Driver B makes a sudden, unsafe lane change at an intersection without signaling and collides with Driver A, who was legally proceeding through the intersection. Here, Driver B would likely be considered at fault for the accident due to the unsafe lane change and failure to signal, actions that violate traffic safety regulations and directly contribute to the collision.

However, fault can be more complex in scenarios where both drivers share responsibility. For example, if Driver A was speeding through an intersection as Driver B attempted an unsafe turn across the intersection lanes, both drivers could be deemed at fault. Driver A’s excessive speed and Driver B’s unsafe turn are both contributing factors that violate traffic laws and safety practices, complicating the determination of fault. In such cases, the allocation of fault might be divided based on the degree to which each driver’s actions contributed to the accident.

These examples illustrate the variety of scenarios that can occur in T-Bone accidents, highlighting the importance of legal expertise in navigating the complexities of fault determination. Our legal team, adept in traffic law, can leverage available evidence such as traffic camera footage, witness statements, and vehicle data, to build a comprehensive understanding of the events leading to the collision, ensuring that accountability is accurately assessed and that the impacted parties receive the support they need to address the aftermath of the accident.

Modified Comparative Fault

Indiana’s approach to handling fault in vehicular accidents, including T-bone collisions, is governed by the rule of modified comparative fault. This legal framework allows individuals involved in an accident to recover damages even if they are partially at fault, provided their level of responsibility does not exceed 50 percent. It’s a critical concept for victims of T-bone accidents to understand, as these collisions often involve complex scenarios of fault and right-of-way disputes.

In the context of a T-bone accident, if an investigation determines that a driver is partially at fault — say, 30 percent — for an incident, they can still pursue compensation. However, the total amount of damages awarded will be reduced by their percentage of fault. For instance, if the total damages amount to $100,000, a party found to be 30 percent at fault would have their compensation reduced by 30 percent, thus receiving $70,000.

This rule underscores the importance of thorough accident investigation and legal representation. Establishing the exact sequence of events, the actions of each driver, and their adherence to traffic laws become crucial in determining fault percentages. Our legal experts specializing in car accidents play a pivotal role in interpreting these laws, guiding through the claims process, and maximizing the compensation received by those affected by T-bone accidents.

How is Fault Determined in T-Bone Car Accidents?

Determining who is at fault in T-bone car accidents can get complicated, as sometimes both drivers share the blame, and each might claim they had the right of way. Having a lawyer to collect important evidence can be crucial in proving your side of the story and ensuring your expectations are met in a T-bone accident case. Here are some key factors that can help determine who is at fault:

The Location of the Accident

The spot where the accident happened can provide investigators with useful hints about who might be to blame. Different locations have different rules, and understanding these rules can shed light on the fault.


When a car is moving too fast for the conditions and causes an accident, that driver will typically be found at fault. If both drivers were speeding, it might be determined that neither is completely at fault or totally blameless.

Running Red Lights or Stop Signs

If a driver disobeys traffic lights or stop signs, they are generally found to be at fault. This kind of error is a clear violation of traffic laws, making fault easier to establish.

Automobile Manufacturers

Sometimes, the vehicle itself might have deficiencies due to design flaws or manufacturing defects. In such cases, the car manufacturer could be held responsible for the accident.

Road Engineers and Municipalities

If an accident is caused by poor road design or maintenance issues, like potholes, the local municipality or the engineers who designed the road might be liable. This includes cases where the road layout contributed to the accident.

Understanding these factors is crucial in T-bone accident cases. Our Indiana car accident lawyers can guide you through the process, leveraging evidence to establish fault and helping you meet your case expectations.

Who Is At Fault When There is No Intersection?

In a T-bone collision away from intersections, fault can be less clear. But the basic rules of right of way and negligence still matter. If a crash happens on a straight road without cross traffic, the driver breaking driving rules is usually at fault. For example, if a car leaving a driveway hits a legally driving vehicle, the exiting driver is often responsible. Cars coming onto a road must yield to traffic already there. Drivers should be careful and check for a clear path before merging. Usually, fault lies with the driver who didn’t yield, showing why following traffic laws is crucial.

What Damages Can You Receive for Injuries and Property Damage After a T-Bone Car Accident?

Victims of T-bone accidents in Indiana may be entitled to various forms of compensation depending on the severity of their injuries, the extent of property damage, and the specifics of the case. Here’s a concise list of potential damages one might receive in a personal injury claim:

Medical Expenses: Covers past, current, and future medical treatment related to injuries sustained in the accident.

Lost Wages: Compensation for income lost due to time off work for recovery.

Loss of Earning Capacity: If the injury impacts the victim’s ability to earn money in the future.

Property Damage: Repairs or replacement for the damaged vehicle and other personal property.

Pain and Suffering: Non-economic damages for physical pain and emotional distress experienced as a result of the accident.

Loss of Consortium: Compensation awarded to the injured person’s spouse for loss of companionship.

Punitive Damages: In cases of egregious negligence, additional damages may be awarded to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future.

How to File a Lawsuit For Your T-Bone Accident

Filing a lawsuit after a T-bone accident can be a critical step in securing the compensation you deserve for medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The process begins by consulting with an experienced personal injury lawyer who can guide you through the complex legal landscape. Here’s a closer look at why having legal representation is crucial and how attorneys can assist in proving liability in your case.

Why You Need an Attorney After a T-Bone Crash

Securing a skilled attorney following a T-bone accident is paramount for several reasons:

  • Expertise in Investigations: Our attorneys possess the know-how to conduct thorough investigations of complex traffic accidents, including those involving car rollovers. They’re adept at gathering the requisite evidence to bolster your claim.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Experienced lawyers understand the strategies insurance companies might employ to minimize their payouts. With an attorney’s help, you’re more likely to secure the maximum compensation for your serious injuries.
  • Support and Legal Guidance: Besides offering professional legal advice, an attorney can also provide support during what is often a stressful and challenging time, guiding you through the legal process with compassion and understanding.

How Do Attorneys Prove Liability in T-bone Accidents?

Your lawyer will start by amassing evidence critical to your case. This might include witness statements from when your t-bone accident occurred, police reports, medical records, and any other relevant documentation that establishes who was at fault for the accident. In some instances, accident reconstruction experts or investigators might be employed to ascertain the precise cause of the collision. Armed with this evidence, your car accident lawyer will argue your case in court, aiming to achieve a favorable settlement or judgment on your behalf.

Contacting an attorney promptly after your T-bone accident ensures that the investigation into your claim starts while the evidence is fresh and the witnesses’ memories are clear. This strategic approach maximizes your chances of a successful legal outcome, ultimately helping you move forward from the incident with the financial support you need for recovery and rehabilitation.

damaged dashboard in a t bone accident

We’re Here To Protect Your Rights

The law firm of Doehrman Buba Ring offers an experienced team of personal injury lawyers who specialize in T-bone and other car accidents. Our Indiana car accident attorneys work tirelessly to protect the rights of our clients and secure fair compensation for their losses. If you or a loved one has been injured in a T-bone accident, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys. We’ll provide personalized legal guidance every step of the way to help you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. 

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If you or a loved one has been injured and you need legal assistance, contact Doehrman Buba Ring for a free consultation. Our experienced Indiana personal injury attorneys are here to help you navigate your case and secure the compensation you deserve.

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