Types of Truck Accidents

Common Types of Truck Accidents in Indiana

Truck drivers play a crucial role in Indiana’s economy, transporting goods across the state and beyond its borders. Indiana, often referred to as the “Crossroads of America,” is a significant hub for transportation due to its strategic location and extensive network of highways. This makes truck driving a prevalent occupation in the state. Many truck drivers pass through Indiana, contributing to the high volume of commercial truck traffic. This, in turn, increases the potential for truck-related accidents on Indiana’s roads. The variety and frequency of these accidents highlight the importance of truck drivers exercising caution and adhering to safety protocols to minimize risks. If a truck accident caused you or a family member severe injury, contact Doehrman Buba Ring for a free consultation with a skilled truck accident lawyer to learn more about your ability to recover compensation from the trucking company for your injuries.

In Indiana, truck accidents can vary widely but tend to follow certain patterns due to the state’s unique combination of urban and rural roads, along with major interstate highways. Some of the most common types include:

An overturned semi-truck cab after a jackknife crash.

Rollover Accidents

Rollover accidents represent one of the most hazardous categories of truck accidents in Indiana. A truck rollover accident occurs when a truck flips onto its side or roof, often as a result of when a truck driver loses control, takes a turn too quickly, or due to instability from improperly loaded or overloaded cargo. The high center of gravity in many large trucks, especially those carrying heavy or uneven loads in their tractor-trailers, increases the risk of a rollover. Rollover accidents are particularly dangerous due to the potential for severe injuries or fatalities, not only to the truck driver but also to passengers in nearby vehicles.

Jackknife Accidents

Jackknife accidents occur when the trailer of a semi-truck swings out and forms an acute angle with the tractor, resembling a folding knife. This type of truck accident is often triggered by sudden braking, slippery roads, or abrupt turns, causing the driver to lose control of the trailer. The tractor-trailers can block multiple lanes of traffic, creating hazardous conditions for all vehicles in the vicinity. Furthermore, the unpredictability of the trailer’s movement during a jackknife truck crash increases the risk of collisions, making it one of the more perilous situations on the road. These accidents underscore the importance of proper braking techniques and the necessity for truck drivers to maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, especially under adverse weather conditions or in areas prone to sudden traffic stops.

Wide Turn Accidents

Wide turn truck accidents are a common occurrence with large trucks in Indiana, particularly in urban areas and intersections. This type of truck accident can happen when a truck driver swings the vehicle out to the left to make a right turn, mistakenly encroaching into adjacent lanes or the path of oncoming traffic. Due to the truck’s large size and lengthy trailers, miscalculating the required turn radius can lead to collisions with other vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians. This type of accident often results from a lack of visibility or misjudgment of the truck’s positioning relative to other road users. Wide turn accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries and damages, making it imperative for truck drivers to exercise extreme caution and awareness during these maneuvers.

T-Bone Accidents

T-bone accidents, also known as side-impact collisions, occur when the front of a truck crashes into the side of another vehicle, resembling the shape of a ‘T’. This type of accident often happens at intersections, where a truck fails to yield the right of way or runs a red light, striking a vehicle crossing its path. Due to the significant size and weight disparity between commercial trucks and passenger vehicles, T-bone accidents can result in severe, sometimes fatal, injuries to the occupants of the side-impacted vehicle. These accidents highlight the critical need for truck drivers to adhere strictly to traffic signals and regulations, particularly in intersections and areas prone to heavy cross traffic.

Rear-end Accidents

Rear-end truck accidents occur when a truck collides with the vehicle in front of it. These types of crashes are often the result of tailgating, when a truck follows another vehicle too closely, or due to the truck driver’s inability to stop in time because of excessive speed or distracted driving. Given the substantial weight and size of commercial trucks, the impact of a rear-end collision can be devastating, especially for smaller passenger vehicles. Such accidents frequently lead to significant property damage and serious injuries. Preventing rear-end collisions necessitates truck drivers to maintain a safe following distance, be vigilant of traffic flow, and engage in defensive driving practices to react appropriately to sudden stops or slowdowns in traffic ahead.

the damaged front end of a car after it collided into the back end of a large truck.

Underride Accidents

Underride accidents are among the most catastrophic types of truck accidents. These incidents occur when a smaller vehicle collides with a truck and slides underneath its tractor-trailer, often resulting in the crushing or shearing off of the vehicle’s top. Underride can happen from the rear or side of the truck, primarily due to the higher clearance of the a commercial truck’s tractor-trailer compared to passenger vehicles. These accidents are particularly deadly because of the direct intrusion into the passenger compartment, significantly increasing the likelihood of fatal head and neck injuries. To mitigate the risks of underride accidents, it’s crucial for trucks to be equipped with properly installed and maintained underride guards. Additionally, increased awareness and stringent enforcement of safety regulations for both truck manufacturers and drivers are essential steps toward preventing such tragic occurrences.

Blind Spot Accidents

Blind spot accidents occur when a vehicle is in a truck’s blind spot, where the truck driver cannot see the vehicle either through their mirrors or directly. A large truck’s blind spots are on all four sides, making it challenging for truck drivers to detect smaller vehicles that are close by. These blind spots, often referred to as “No-Zones,” can lead to accidents during lane changes or when trucks are merging onto highways. Drivers of smaller vehicles are encouraged to stay out of these blind spots whenever possible and exercise caution to avoid being in truck’s blind spots for an extended period. Blind spot accidents can result in serious injuries due to the size disparity between commercial trucks and passenger vehicles, highlighting the importance of awareness and caution from all drivers sharing the road.

Truck Tire Blowouts

Truck tire blowouts are another common cause of accidents on Indiana’s roads, particularly on high-speed highways. These incidents occur when a tire on a truck suddenly bursts or deflates, causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle. Factors contributing to tire blowouts include overloading, improper tire maintenance, wear and tear, and overheating during long drives in hot weather. Tire blowouts can be particularly hazardous, as they may lead to swerving, rollovers, or collisions with other vehicles. For drivers nearby, reacting to a sudden tire blowout on a large truck can be challenging, increasing the risk of multi-vehicle pileups. To mitigate the risk of tire blowouts, it is crucial for truck drivers and fleet operators to conduct regular tire inspections, maintain proper inflation levels, and replace tires as needed to ensure the safety of all road users.

Head-On Truck Accidents

Head-on collisions, though less common than other types of truck accidents, are among the most deadly and devastating. Head-on collisions occur when the front end of a truck collides with the front end of another vehicle, often resulting from one of the vehicles veering into oncoming traffic. Causes can include driver fatigue, impairment, distraction, or attempting to overtake other vehicles on two-lane roads without clear visibility. The sheer mass and momentum of a truck in head-on collisions can result in catastrophic damage to smaller vehicles, often leading to severe injuries or fatalities to the occupants.

A smashed front end of a semi-truck cab after a high speed head-on truck accident.

Lost Load Accidents

Lost load accidents occur when cargo being transported by a truck is not properly secured and falls off the vehicle onto the roadway. This can lead to hazardous conditions for other drivers, especially on high-speed highways where reacting to sudden obstacles in the road is more difficult. These commercial truck accidents can cause multi-vehicle pileups, significant property damage, and serious injuries like traumatic brain injuries or fatalities. Ensuring that all cargo is properly secured and regularly inspected during transport is essential to prevent lost loads. This responsibility falls not only on the truck drivers but also on the companies that load and transport goods. Strict adherence to load-securing regulations and continuous education on safe cargo handling practices are critical measures to avoid these dangerous accidents.

Brake Failure Accidents

Brake failure accidents represent a critical safety issue in trucking incidents across Indiana. These accidents typically occur when the braking system of a large truck malfunctions or fails entirely, preventing the truck from stopping or significantly reducing its speed. The causes of brake failure can range from poor maintenance, including the neglect of regular inspections and replacements of worn-out brake parts, to overloading the truck beyond its braking capacity. In hilly or mountainous regions, prolonged use can also lead to overheated brakes, further increasing the risk of failure. The inability to stop or slow down not only endangers the truck driver but also poses a significant threat to other road users, particularly in dense traffic conditions or on highways where high speeds are common. Brake failure accidents underscore the importance of stringent vehicle maintenance practices and adherence to weight regulations to ensure the safety of all road users.

Truck Driver DUI Accidents

Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs poses a significant risk in all types of vehicular accidents, but the stakes are even higher when it involves large commercial trucks. Truck driver DUI accidents happen when operators of these massive vehicles choose to drive while impaired, drastically reducing their reaction times, decision-making abilities, and overall driving skills. The size and mass of commercial trucks mean that any collision is likely to have much more severe consequences than similar incidents involving only passenger cars. Legal limits for commercial drivers are stricter than for private vehicle drivers, reflecting the increased responsibility truck drivers bear on the roads. Despite these regulations, DUI accidents involving truck drivers still occur, leading to devastating outcomes. These incidents highlight the critical need for rigorous enforcement of DUI laws among commercial drivers, along with the importance of ongoing education and prevention efforts to safeguard all road users.

Understanding these common types of truck accidents in Indiana is crucial for both truck drivers and other road users to avoid potential dangers and adopt safer driving practices.

Causes of Common Truck Accidents

The common truck accident types experienced on Indiana’s roads share underlying causes that, when addressed, could significantly reduce the occurrence of these incidents.

Key factors contributing to truck accidents include:

Driver Fatigue

Long hours on the road without sufficient rest breaks lead to exhaustion, affecting a driver’s reaction time and decision-making capabilities.

Improper Vehicle Maintenance

Failure to regularly inspect and maintain truck parts, especially brakes and tires, can lead to catastrophic failures.


Trucks carrying loads heavier than their designed capacity strain the vehicle’s braking and steering systems, increasing the risk of accidents.

Driver Inattention

Using mobile devices, eating, or any activity taking the driver’s attention from the road can result in loss of control.

Poor Weather Conditions

Rain, snow, ice, and fog can impair visibility and make roads slippery, challenging even for experienced drivers.


Exceeding speed limits or driving too fast for conditions reduces the time available to react to road hazards or traffic changes.

Lack of Training

Insufficient training for truck drivers on how to handle large vehicles, secure loads, and react in emergencies can lead to accidents.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

Impairment by alcohol or drugs severely hampers a driver’s judgment, reflexes, and overall ability to drive safely.

By understanding and mitigating these causes, both truck operators and the companies they work for can take proactive steps to increase road safety for everyone.

An attorney discusses insurance forms with a client wearing a neck brace, who was a victim in a trucking accident.

Doehrman Buba Ring is Committed to Helping Truck Accident Victims Seek Justice

Doehrman Buba Ring are experienced truck accident attorneys, ready to provide legal support if you are injured in one of these common types of truck accidents. With years of expertise in navigating the complex legal landscape of truck accident claims in Indiana, we understand the severe impact these accidents can have on victims and their families. Whether you’re dealing with the aftermath of a blind spot accident, a tire blowout, a head-on collision, a lost load incident, brake failure, or a DUI accident involving a truck driver, Doehrman Buba Ring is here to advocate for your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. Our dedicated approach to representing accident victims ensures that you have an experienced truck accident lawyer by your side every step of the way. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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