What Makes Truck Accidents So Dangerous?

Why Are Truck Accidents More Dangerous Than Car Accidents?

Truck accidents stand out as some of the most devastating events on our roads, often resulting in catastrophic damage, severe injuries, and high fatality rates. The sheer size and weight of trucks, combined with their longer stopping distances and potential for carrying hazardous materials, contribute to the increased danger when compared to accidents involving only passenger vehicles. Understanding the unique risks associated with truck accidents is crucial for both drivers and policymakers to take effective steps toward minimizing their occurrence and impact.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident, chances are you’ve been severely injured. Our team at the law firm of Doehrman Buba Ring can help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact our truck accident lawyers for a free consultation today.

Two semi-trucks driving next to an average passenger car on the highway at night - motion blur

Truck Accidents Are More Likely to Cause Severe Injuries and Fatalities

With an average weight of 80,000 pounds, commercial trucks can easily crush passenger cars in the event of a collision. This immense size and weight difference is the main reason why commercial truck accidents are more likely to cause severe injuries or even death. When combined with high speeds on highways, the force of impact can be catastrophic.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a third of all truck accidents result in injuries. They also have a much higher death rate, with 2% ending in fatalities, much more than the 0.4% for car accidents. Specifically, in Indiana, truck crashes sadly take 151 lives each year.

Significantly, out of these deaths, 72% were not occupants of the large trucks themselves but were instead in other vehicles. This statistic underscores the disproportionate risk that large truck accidents pose to drivers and passengers of smaller vehicles, highlighting the need for enhanced safety measures and awareness to protect all road users.

Size and Weight

The disparity in size and weight between commercial trucks and passenger vehicles is stark, forming a fundamental reason why accidents involving trucks are often more perilous. A fully loaded commercial truck can weigh up to 20-30 times more than a typical car. This massive weight not only makes trucks harder to control and stop, especially in emergencies but also means that in the event of a collision, the force exerted on smaller vehicles is enormously disproportionate. The laws of physics dictate that in a crash, the larger and heavier object will transfer significant force to the lighter one, often leading to devastating consequences for the occupants of the passenger vehicle.

Braking Distance

The braking distance for commercial trucks is significantly longer than that of passenger vehicles, a factor that can turn quickly into a critical hazard on the road. Under ideal conditions, a fully loaded truck traveling at highway speeds needs approximately 200 yards — the length of two football fields — to come to a complete stop. This distance increases with factors like poor road conditions, bad weather, or brake maintenance issues. For passenger vehicles, the stopping distance under similar conditions is much less, making it easier for them to adapt to sudden changes in traffic flow or road hazards. The discrepancy in braking distance between trucks and passenger vehicles underscores the importance of maintaining safe following distances, especially when large trucks are present.

Blind Spots

The significant blind spots on commercial trucks, often referred to as “No-Zones,” present another peril on the roadways. These blind spots are located at the front, back, and sides of the truck, and affect the truck driver’s ability to see other cars or hazards around them. These “No-Zones” are where the truck driver has limited or no visibility of other vehicles. In particular, the blind spots on the sides are much larger than those of passenger vehicles, making it easy for cars to disappear from the truck driver’s view. This lack of visibility greatly increases the risk of collisions, especially when changing lanes or merging. Educating all drivers about these blind spots and promoting defensive driving techniques are essential steps in preventing accidents related to these No-Zones.

A driver checking his blind spots while his truck travels down an Indiana highway.

Limited Maneuverability

The maneuverability of commercial trucks is significantly less than that of passenger vehicles, primarily due to their large size and length. This limited maneuverability can make it difficult for truck drivers to respond quickly to sudden changes in the road situation, such as abrupt stops in traffic, unexpected obstacles, or rapid lane changes by other vehicles. Tight turns and navigating through congested urban streets or construction zones further challenge truck drivers, increasing the potential for accidents. This difference in maneuverability necessitates extra caution from both truck drivers and the operators of smaller vehicles, emphasizing the importance of giving trucks ample space on the road to maneuver safely.

Jackknife Accidents

Jackknife accidents represent one of the most dangerous scenarios involving commercial trucks, occurring when the trailer of a semi truck folds at the hinge and forms an acute angle with the cab, resembling the shape of a folding knife. This type of accident typically happens during sudden braking or if the driver loses control of the truck, causing the trailer to skid and swing-out. Factors contributing to jackknifing include slippery road conditions, improper braking techniques, and not adjusting speed to match road conditions. The consequences of a jackknife accident can be dire, not only for the truck driver but also for nearby vehicles, as the out-of-control trailer can sweep across multiple lanes, colliding with or forcing other vehicles off the road. Preventing jackknife accidents requires careful attention to road conditions, proper maintenance of the truck’s braking system, and comprehensive driver training on how to safely handle emergency situations.

semi trucks lined up at a rest stop in indiana

Injured In a Truck Accident? Contact Our Indiana Truck Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one have been involved in a truck accident, our team of experienced Indiana truck accident attorneys is here to help. Here’s how:

  • Legal Representation: We offer expert legal representation to ensure your rights are protected.
  • Compensation Claims: Assistance with filing claims for compensation for injuries, damage, and other losses.
  • Negotiation with Insurance Companies: We negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to secure the best possible outcome.
  • Investigation: Comprehensive investigation of the accident to gather evidence supporting your case.
  • Support and Guidance: Providing support and guidance through every step of the legal process.

Our legal team is dedicated to fighting for the rights of those injured in truck accidents and ensuring they receive the justice and compensation they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. The law firm of Doehrman Buba Ring provides personalized, compassionate legal representation to those affected by truck accidents. Let us help you get the justice and compensation you deserve.

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If you or a loved one has been injured and you need legal assistance, contact Doehrman Buba Ring for a free consultation. Our experienced Indiana personal injury attorneys are here to help you navigate your case and secure the compensation you deserve.

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